Saturday, August 29, 2009

Oh ! in Badalapur 200 trees will be slaughtered for shopping mall

It is incomprehensible what has been happened to the public representatives. As we see their activities, it is question that why they are called public representatives. Nowadays, most of them are agents of big contractors. Contractors take decision what has to be done and representatives obey them. Kulgaon-Badalapur municipal council has decided to develop a plot near station area as Administrative building of council. But council has no capacity to build. It will be built on privatisation basis. One company will build it on 25 % area and on account of it company will build a shopping mall on the rest plot. Originally, this a forest land. Council has purchased it from government. There are upto 200 trees on the plot. Mainly they are Mango, Jack, Teak, Jamblum and others. For this development (?) all trees will be slaughtered. When the project (?) was passed in the meeting of council, no one opposed it !!! Actually, the administrative building of council can be built at any where in the city. it is not necessary that it should be at station area. Whereas it should be at center of city, suitable all citizen to access. But, the project is basically prepared for contractor company, to ease it, to build a shopping mall. For this favour, related leaders will be given handsome cash. All this will happen, if and only if, 200 trees will be slaughtered !!!