Sunday, December 27, 2009

BOT ? No, It's sale of public properties!

Nowadays, municipal bodies in Maharashtra are sanctioning all new development projects on BOT basis. Means, Built, operate and transfer basis. Municipal bodies are saying that their financial condition is not good. They can not afford new projects on their own. But, there is a big oppose to BOT projects. It is told that the BOT projects are indirect sale of public properties. Big builders are identifying properties on prime location in a city and then they deal with political persons in rulling as well as in opposition. After the successful deal, the projects to develop these properties are being brought in meeting to sanction on BOT basis. In Ulhasnagar, Raj Asrondkar, the president of Kaydyane Waga started the battle against BOT projects. Local municiapl corporators, Ad. Anil Vidhyarthi, Mohan Kandare supported him. They formed a new non-political banner, Save Ulhasnagar. In Kalyan, Bal Hardas of Amhi Kalyankar is fighting against BOT projects. In Dombivali, Mahesh Lohar has taken lead. The main point of opposition is that there is nothing in the interest of common people.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Maharashtra Police declared PSI exam on 3 January,2010

Maharshtra Government has announced PSI exam for its police staff. Exam will be conducted on 3 Jnauary,2010 at 7 centers including Mumbai.ASI, police constable,police Naik and police shipai can give the exam. for details read Home department's GR

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

10 % parallel reservation to temporary govt. employees

Maharashtra Govt. has announced 10% parallel reservation and age relaxation upto 46 yrs to the temporary govt employees who want to enter govt. job thru straight recruitment. Minimum 3 yrs on the honorary basis service and registration of same at Employment office, is necessary. To read Govt GR, click here

Evening courts in Maharashtra

No. ECJ 0109/87/C.R.39/D-11.-WHEREAS pursuant to

the Resolution passed in the Joint Conference of Chief Ministers

and Chief Justices, held at New Delhi on the 18th September

2004, all the Chief Ministers and Chief Justices were requested

by the Honourable Chief Justice of India to take appropriate

steps for speedy disposal of cases pending in the Courts.

NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to articles 309, 227 and 235 of the Constitution of

India and of all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the

Governor of Maharashtra, in consultation with the High Court of

Bombay, hereby makes the following rules for introduction and

implementation of the scheme of Evening Courts in the State of

Maharashtra, namely :-To read Govt. Notification in details pl click here

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

presenty allowance to minority students

Maharashtra State government gives attendence allowance to minority students,i.e. students belongs to Muslim,Buddhist,Shikh,Parashi Christian and Jain. Government gives Rs.2 per day. Scheme is applicable to Sr.primary schools, both aided and non-aided govt and private schools. 75 % attendence of student is compulsary. To read related GR click here :

Saturday, September 5, 2009

No new work to be started during election code of conduct

State assembly elections for Maharashtra has been announced by election commission. Obviously, code of codunct has been bound to all connected people. There are restrictions on starting New Development Works. Some public representatives argue that work can be done which work order has been sanctioned before announcement of elections. But it is not allowed, as per code of conduct. Election code says, No work should be started newly during election period if it is already not started, even the work order is released earlier or even inaugration has been done. To read Maharashtra State Government GR in details click the link and read Q. No. 28

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Oh ! in Badalapur 200 trees will be slaughtered for shopping mall

It is incomprehensible what has been happened to the public representatives. As we see their activities, it is question that why they are called public representatives. Nowadays, most of them are agents of big contractors. Contractors take decision what has to be done and representatives obey them. Kulgaon-Badalapur municipal council has decided to develop a plot near station area as Administrative building of council. But council has no capacity to build. It will be built on privatisation basis. One company will build it on 25 % area and on account of it company will build a shopping mall on the rest plot. Originally, this a forest land. Council has purchased it from government. There are upto 200 trees on the plot. Mainly they are Mango, Jack, Teak, Jamblum and others. For this development (?) all trees will be slaughtered. When the project (?) was passed in the meeting of council, no one opposed it !!! Actually, the administrative building of council can be built at any where in the city. it is not necessary that it should be at station area. Whereas it should be at center of city, suitable all citizen to access. But, the project is basically prepared for contractor company, to ease it, to build a shopping mall. For this favour, related leaders will be given handsome cash. All this will happen, if and only if, 200 trees will be slaughtered !!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Indian PM against corruption

This is one issue on which everyone would agree: that the highly corrupt escape and the smaller fish are arrested. This time though, the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh too is on your side and agrees on this.
On Wednesday Singh made it clear once more to the CBI that there is a perception that "big fish" often escape punishment. This must change and the CBI should act swiftly and without fear, he told the CBI and State anti-corruption official. "Aggressively pursue high level corruption," he told the senior officials.
Opening a conference of CBI and State anti-corruption bureaux here, he said there was no single remedy for fighting corruption which has to be combated at many levels, one of which was making existing systems less discretionary.
"High-level corruption should be pursued aggressively. There is a pervasive feeling that while petty cases get tackled quickly, the big fish escape punishment. This has to change," Singh said.
The Prime Minister said while quick investigation was important and necessary, it was not sufficient to bring the guilty to book.
"Trials should be conducted expeditiously and judgements delivered quickly. To begin with the aim should be to conclude the trial in two years so that punishment could be given to the offenders within a period of three years or so," he said.
Singh said the government has recently decided to set up 71 new CBI courts and expected them to function as model courts, hold day-to-day proceedings and avoid unnecessary adjournments.
"But pervasive corruption in our country tarnishes our image. It also discourages investors, who expect fair treatment and transparent dealings. As the country grows and integrates with the world economy, corruption continues to be an impediment to harnessing the best technology and resources," he said.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Badalapur underground sewerage scheme costs 49 % above! corruption of 75 crores?

Central Govt. sactioned underground sewerage project,costs Rs.150 crores,for Kulgaon-Badalapur municipal council(Dist.Thane,MAH,India). 35% of total cost is given by central and 15%by state govt. 50% of cost is a responsibility of council. But the annual budget of council is approximate 15 to 20 crores. It was impossible for council to raise this money. It demanded at MMRDA.( i.e. Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority. A nodal agency to develop Mumbai and surrouding suburbans.).MMRDA sactioned 75 crores as loan. After that council called tenders to execute the work. Surprisingly it was 60 to 70 % above. After bargaining it came below at 49 % above. It means 75 crores more has to be managed. Kaydyane Waga demanded an enquiry, why the project costs 49% above. Already council went for loans. Now how the amount of 75 crores will be managed? MMRDA should review for loan, sactioned.

Friday, July 17, 2009

SETU- a easy way to get caste,domicile,etc certificates.

GR regarding SETU
Below given is the link regarding GR regarding SETU. It is useful to know with which intention Govt has started SETU.
Study it and compare what we are getting in actual. Insist for implemetation of Govt GR.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ration Card in One day!

Anybody will be surprised to read that Ration Card can be got in one day. But It true and fully official. As per Maharashtra Govt Food Ministry GR, shivaap1006/pra.kra.2184/na.pu.28, Dated : 16 june,2006,
He, who demands ration card same day, on which he applies, shall be given Ration Card on payment of Rs. 500 for White Card and Rs. 200 for Saffron Card, conditioned that required documents shall be fulfilled.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

water purifier scam of UMC School Board

Ulhasnagar Municipal School Board purchased 150 Nos. of Aquasure Water Storage Purifier for municipal schools, each for Rs.6650. But, Raj Asrondkar,president of Kaydyane Waga, exposed board's corruption showing that the purifier's cost is Rs. 1650. Rs. 5000's difference for one piece. Rs.7.5 Lakhs difference for 150 Nos. Asrondkar went on Hunger Strike and Board had to bend for Rs.1650. Read News In Hindustan Times:

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Raj Asrondkar, appointed as Member of Rationing Vigilance committee

Raj Asrondkar, The President of Kaydyane Waga, a speedily spreading consumer movement in Maharashtra, is appointed as a Member of Ratinioning Vigilance Committee of Ulhasnagar(Dist.Thane, Maharashtra, India) by the State Government. The Rationing Controller, Mr. yeshvant Kerure issued an order about it on 26 th of Feb, 2009. Raj Asrondkar has been also appointed as Member of Sanjay Gandhi Samajik Sahayyata Yojna, Ulhasnagar. Mr. Asrondkar justified the post, and worked to simlify the government scheme for poors. Now people of Ulhasnagar again have more expectaions on being Member of Rationing Committee.